Well the first day of 2014 is in the books. As with every season, the first day is always a little disorganized. This is the time where I remember all the things that I forgot to do, fix or add from last year, as if I was taken by surprise that today we would be picking and selling corn. This was one of the better first days, though, as we normally are late to our stands. I am usually running around trying to gather up all of the "stuff" we need at the stand to sell, invariably hunting where I stashed stuff and trying to remember what I am forgetting We even had change for the change boxes and sacks...you know, the essential items you would think were ready to go.
The other thing about first days is just getting into the routine. I liken it to getting into a cold swimming pool, once you're in, its ok and you get used to it. This is the first of 70-80 days where life begins before sunrise and wholly revolves around nothing but corn which takes some getting used to. Believe it or not, not all farmers are the up-before-sunrise kind, myself included. While I do love the early mornings, you won't find me waking in the 4am range unless it is corn season (and I'm the happiest morning person in the family).
The most enjoyable part of the first day is people's unbridled enthusiasm and anticipation for sweet corn and tomatoes. Its a lot of fun to see and a reward for the effort we have put into our produce. It makes you feel as if you are doing exactly what you should be doing.